I have managed to get to Bangkok, just before Boris locked down. Phew! I was stuck in lockdown in March so was delighted to have dodged it on this occasion. I am in quarantine at the moment for 14 days in a hotel. There is plenty to keep me occupied. What Really Wins Money newsletter to write.

www.delayreacttrade.com football research and telegram tips to do.

Eating my way through the thai dishes available at the hotel.

No alcohol though. So if you know anyone in Bangkok with a drone that can drop me off some craft beer to my balcony on the 9th floor, get in touch!

Using my time wisely as you can see.

I also have access to www.proformracing.com which is statistical form software so can use my allotted quarantine to work on all of the elements within this bit of kit to, I hope, find you some solid horse racing angles. I’ll also be working with the race cards at Geegeez gold, which you read about a couple of weeks ago. If I find any patterns, I’ll pass them on.

I’ll still be in this hotel room this time next week as well. I promise to take a shower or two between now and then.

Have a great weekend.