I have been monitoring this reader’s tipping service now for some time, and those of you who followed his advices since year start, will have doubled their betting banks.

Brian may be more familiar to you as Braincc@aol.com. He has now set up a website at www.quietachievers.co.uk and I am hopeful that the profits since he began proofing to me way back in October /November 2007, will continue. I’m sufficiently taken with the consistency of the service over 6 months to recommend it to you at this stage. So what’s involved? Typically Brian sends out a daily email with one to 4 selections for the day to lay. There are 2 staking plans to chose from “stakes to each of two banks – one called ‘set’, the more aggressive plan of the pair, which uses 2% of the bank at the start of each day for staking purposes on each selection; the other entitled ‘liability’, a slower and safer grower, where we lay to lose a set amount on each horse, which will be 5% of the bank on that day.” These staking plans look to be extremely effective in controlling liability (the big issue with all lay systems) while not compromising profit.


The key word here is consistency. There have been losing days of course and Cheltenham week was an exception with 4 losing lays really impacting on the betting bank growth. Since then, a consecutive run of 16 winning advices more than compensated for Cheltenhamus Horribilus.

Of course, the more aggressive staking plan is the one which is profiting the better. Indeed since year start, this staking plan alone has doubled a £1,000 betting bank. The safer liability only option has still produced a profit of £536 to a £1,000 nominal bettingbank. Brian has assured me that a full explanation of the intricacies of the staking plans will be provided.

Bottom line

I’m delighted this service has been so consistent over an extended period and remain bullish that this can continue using Brian’s daily advices in tandem with his staking plans. £30 per month for WRWM readers – £1 a day – is superb value for money if past performance can be replicated. So do take a look at www.quietachievers.co.uk and I hope you can come to the conclusion, like me, that Brian MAY be the lay messiah. Please do email him at Braincc@aol.com

if you have any queries.